Neurodiversity Training

Neurodivergent Training graphic.

Tuesday 9th July

Join NDFT Co-Director Holly Sutcliffe for 2 hours of online training that will leave you better equipped to understand, support and accommodate Neurodivergent (ND) humans.

Whether you are a creative, a small business owner or working in a more corporate environment this workshop will help you:

  • Understand Neurodivergence – what it actually is and why it’s important to be aware of it 
  • Develop an overview of different ways of processing and how that impacts ND people accessing the world (and therefore your work or business)
  • Recognise common triggers, stressors and things to look out for when you are working with ND people (and if you work with the general public, you will be)
  • Expand your awareness of the multiple possibilities of Neurodivergent experience and joy – how to harness that in your work/workplace

By the end of the session, you will be empowered to engage in this important aspect of inclusion, with a practical toolkit to start making accommodations and adaptations to better include Neurodivergent folk in your work and/or workplace. There will be plenty of space for questions to allow the session to be tailored to the needs of participants. 

Accepting and accommodating Neurodivergence is one simple and extremely important way you can create safer, more inclusive spaces for everyone – it’s not just good for the individuals; it’s good for us all. 

To claim your spot on this small group training, please email – once they confirm your place, you can pledge to our Spacehive Crowdfunder to finalise your registration. 

Pricing is on a sliding scale: £33 – £66 (please pay what you can afford).