Our Estimate: Up to 40% of Thanet’s Population Might Be Neurodivergent

Our Definition Of Neurodivergent (at NDFT)

Someone whose thinking, learning, or mind-body processing diverges from what is commonly or societally expected. This means they experience life in particularly unique ways.

Examples include but are not limited to: ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Bipolar, C/PTSD, Depression, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, OCD, Tourette Syndrome.

We, at NDFT, view Neurodivergence not as disorders or conditions but as identities and ways of existing.

Factors Influencing Our Estimate

  1. High Disability Rates in Thanet:
    • Census Data: According to the 2021 Census, 22.9% of Thanet’s population reported limitations in day-to-day activities due to long-term physical or mental health conditions. This includes significant numbers of individuals with mental health issues and learning difficulties, which overlap with Neurodivergent “conditions”. (Source: Statistic Bulletin, May 2024, KCC/Kent Analytics)
  2. General Prevalence of Neurodivergent Conditions:
  3. Impact of Socio-Economic Factors:
  4. Undiagnosed and Co-occurring Conditions:
    • Co-occurrence: Many neurodivergent individuals have multiple co-occurring conditions. For example, Autistic individuals often also have ADHD, Anxiety, or other ‘conditions’. This overlap increases the effective prevalence rate.
    • Undiagnosed Cases: Many people remain undiagnosed or do not report their conditions, particularly older adults and women who are often under or misdiagnosed.

Calculation Process

  • Base prevalence in the general population: 15-20%.
  • Adjustment for high disability rates in Thanet: +5%.
  • Adjustment for deprivation in Thanet: +5-10%.
  • Adjustment for undiagnosed and co-occurring conditions: +5-10%.

  • Total estimated prevalence: 30-40%

Neurodivergent & Unaware

Through additional estimates, we could further establish that 20-30% of this group may be unaware they are Neurodivergent.

This means that 6-12% of Thanet’s overall population could be Neurodivergent and unaware.

However, due to the area’s high deprivation and diagnostic challenges, the percentage of unaware Neurodivergent individuals could be even higher—potentially 40-60% of the Neurodivergent population.

This would translate to 12-24% of the overall population in Thanet being Neurodivergent but unaware.

Read our full explanation here.