Our Definition Of Neurodivergent (at NDFT)
Someone whose thinking, learning, or mind-body processing diverges from what is commonly or societally expected. This means they experience life in particularly unique ways.
Examples include but are not limited to: ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Bipolar, C/PTSD, Depression, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, OCD, Tourette Syndrome.
We, at NDFT, view Neurodivergence not as disorders or conditions but as identities and ways of existing.
Factors Influencing Our Estimate
- High Disability Rates in Thanet:
- Census Data: According to the 2021 Census, 22.9% of Thanet’s population reported limitations in day-to-day activities due to long-term physical or mental health conditions. This includes significant numbers of individuals with mental health issues and learning difficulties, which overlap with Neurodivergent “conditions”. (Source: Statistic Bulletin, May 2024, KCC/Kent Analytics)
- General Prevalence of Neurodivergent Conditions:
- Base Prevalence: 15-20% of the general population is believed to be Neurodivergent. This base figure includes a range of neurodivergent conditions such as ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, and others.
- Impact of Socio-Economic Factors:
- Deprivation: Thanet is one of the most deprived areas in England. Research shows that neurodivergent conditions are more prevalent in deprived areas due to factors such as increased stress, limited access to healthcare, and socio-economic challenges. This suggests that the baseline prevalence of neurodivergence would be higher in Thanet, our area being the fifth most deprived in the country for the IMD 2019 indicator.
- Undiagnosed and Co-occurring Conditions:
- Co-occurrence: Many neurodivergent individuals have multiple co-occurring conditions. For example, Autistic individuals often also have ADHD, Anxiety, or other ‘conditions’. This overlap increases the effective prevalence rate.
- Undiagnosed Cases: Many people remain undiagnosed or do not report their conditions, particularly older adults and women who are often under or misdiagnosed.
Calculation Process
- Base prevalence in the general population: 15-20%.
- Adjustment for high disability rates in Thanet: +5%.
- Adjustment for deprivation in Thanet: +5-10%.
- Adjustment for undiagnosed and co-occurring conditions: +5-10%.
- Total estimated prevalence: 30-40%
Neurodivergent & Unaware
Through additional estimates, we could further establish that 20-30% of this group may be unaware they are Neurodivergent.
This means that 6-12% of Thanet’s overall population could be Neurodivergent and unaware.
However, due to the area’s high deprivation and diagnostic challenges, the percentage of unaware Neurodivergent individuals could be even higher—potentially 40-60% of the Neurodivergent population.
This would translate to 12-24% of the overall population in Thanet being Neurodivergent but unaware.