We are looking forward to seeing you at this next meetup, in Broadstairs!
If this isn’t your first time, feel free to scroll down to the booking form!
Our meetup for Neurodivergent adults to meet in safe spaces with their peers. Casual, social events, with games, activities and chatting.
Please note that for legal and safeguarding reasons, our events are 18+ only.
Who are our events for?
We are 100% Neurodivergent & community-led, inclusive and intersectionality-informed.
Our events are for Neurodivergents from all backgrounds, whether diagnosed, self-identifying or questioning*.
*Neuro-curious (questioning whether you might be Neurodivergent) and self-diagnosed/self-identifying individuals are absolutely welcome.
Who are our events NOT for? (must read)
Our events are not for anyone seeking unpaid emotional labour from our community.
Our events are not a place for you to carry out research, arrange consultations or solicit feedback or gather information for your own agenda.
Our events are not for anyone being paid to attend on behalf of an organisation.
If you have a feeling that this might be you, please send us an email at info@ndft.org.uk and we’ll do our best to assist you appropriately.
The only non-Neurodivergent people welcome at this event are support-people/caregivers and potentially venue staff.
Event Details: When & Where
Date: Monday 17th February 2025
Time: 7-9pm (Please do not arrive early – doors open at 7)
Location: The Gap Project, Queen’s Road Baptist Church, Broadstairs, CT10 1NU (see “Access & Transportation” details below for public transport and car parking details.)
What to expect: Format for the meetup
You’ll find 2 areas at the venue:
One for chilled activities, the other for higher energy activities.

Arts & Crafts table: drawing, collage and more… Your chill space to engage (or not) with undirected art activities, with or without chatting with others.

Players’ Area: Classic games & board games. Your higher energy space is full of dopamine hits!
What to expect: Facilitation
Our events are facilitated by our 100% Neurodivergent amazing facilitators’ team composed of Suzy, Lead Facilitator, Sophie, co-facilitator and Daniel, co-facilitator.

Click/Tap here to read quotes in text format instead
“Discovering a community that shares my experiences has transformed my self-perception. Offering mutual support within our group is a lifeline.”
“It’s refreshing to engage in conversations without fear of judgement.”
“To meet with other Neurodivergent people, to understand that I am not alone in the experiences that I have had, to share stories and information, has transformed my life.”
“I felt very welcomed: large group settings make me feel very nervous! But the welcome guide email was so accessible and clear it made me feel at ease attending.”
“Being with others like myself is the only time I feel fully accepted and understood.”
“Everyone’s kind and there’s no pressure to act a certain way because there’s no one way to be neurodivergent.”
“Finding friends here is easy and authentic; I can be myself without spending energy on editing who I am.”
What to expect: What else happens at the event?
Arrival & Check-in
A member of NDFT team will be at the door and ask for your name to tick you off our attendees’ list.
You will be offered a sticky label to write your name and pronouns (if you wish) for others to know. You will be offered to chose between 3 stickers to indicate your social battery level to other attendees.
Green = “Full battery!” This indicates to other attendees that you have energy and are happy for people to approach you, engage with you and engage back with them.
Yellow = “Take it easy with me.” This indicates that you want to interact with others, but you need people to be mindful that you are not at your highest level of energy, and to take it easy with you.
Red = “Please don’t talk to me unless I talk to you first.” This indicated that you want to be around people, but your energy is low, and you don’t want people to engage with you unless you engage with them first.
The red tags will not apply to facilitators for safety reasons. This means that facilitators are allowed to talk to you unprompted, especially in the case of an emergency.
NDFT Participation Promise
Around 15-20 minutes after the event started, the lead facilitator of the event will ask everyone’s attention to introduce our team, the event, and read NDFT’s participation promise.
The participation promise is a short introduction to our value as an organisation and ensure everyone understands what the event is and isn’t.
Questions are welcomed and encouraged and if you have any, about anything, at any time. Please speak to one of our facilitator.
The event will continue and you will be able to engage with activities and others in a lose and lightly facilitated manner.
If you need any support at any time, talk to one of our facilitator who will be able to talk with you one-to-one, or introduce you to other people.
Our team is here to support you with whatever is going on for you during the event.
Wrapping up & Feedback Forms
About ten minutes before the event finishes, facilitators will let you know that we’ll be closing soon and invite you to fill in our feedback form.
Our feedback form are anonymous to ensure you feel safe to share your genuine feedback with us.
It is crucial for us to get your genuine feedback at the end of each events for several reasons: first it helps us make sure that we learn from each event and implement your feedback for the next one.
This process helps us refine our events so that they constantly align with your needs and wants. Additionally, they are crucial information that support all our funding activities.
Your feedback and testimonials are key and instrumental for us to secure on-going funding to keep our activities running and free of charge.
Thanks in advance for helping us continue these events by taking 5 minutes to share your thoughts 🙂
End of Event
By 9 pm we’ll ask all attendees to leave the venue.
Our team will start tidying up materials and cleaning up the venue.
We will not rush you to leave the space, however, please note that we all must be done tidying up and out of the venue by 9:30 pm. Thank you.
Refreshments Available
Please note that it will not be possible to purchase drinks or food from this venue.
We’ll provide free teas and coffees; tap water in jugs and cups will also be provided.
If you have any questions before the event please contact us via info@ndft.org.uk
Welcome Pack & Code of Conduct
We expect all participants of our event to read, agree and comply with our code of conduct, therefore ensuring the safety of everyone involved and their own. Our welcome pack also include frequently asked questions and our answers to them.
Click/Tap here to read our welcome pack
Welcome pack not displaying well on your device? Click the button below:
Is Booking Required?
We recommend booking in advance. We limit the number of tickets available to book for safeguarding reasons. Therefore, once maximum capacity is reached, we won’t be able to let anyone else in. You don’t have to book a ticket to come, but it’s the only way to absolutely guarantee your place for the meetup.
Access and Transportation
Travelling by Public Transports
Bus Stop ‘Baptist Church’ with buses 8A breeze; 8X breeze; 9X; 69; 946; Loop.
Travelling by Car
Carparks (charges apply), from closest to furthest to venue: Crofts Place; Albion Street; Chandos Square; Broadstairs Station (train station).
On-street parking nearer to the venue (charges may apply): High street; Pierremonth Avenue; York Avenue; York Street; Belvedere Road; The Vale.
See our venue’s visual story below for visual information about access and transportation.
Venue’s Visual Story
Our visual story is a handy document, it shows you what to expect about the venue and where things are. Read it before you come, we hope it helps you enjoy our meetup even more!
Click/Tap here to view the visual story
Visual story not displaying very well on your device? Click the button below:
Other Information
This event was crowdfunded! Thank you for your continued support 💛
We also thank key funders and crowdfunding partners @kcc_kent @nhskentmedway @spacehive